The only part of Solo Travel I dislike – dinner…

I should preface this by saying I’m not a foodie – the same way I don’t travel to meet people, I don’t travel to eat exotic foods, and drink exotic wines either. In fact I’m a bit of a picky eater, so eating while traveling is always… unique.

That being said, I have also had some of the best meals of my life while traveling. I had a pizza that tasted like heaven overlooking Castel dell’Ovo in Naples.

I’m the first to admit that I push myself when I travel. It’s yet another reason I love going Solo – I can push myself. I can see just one more museum, one more market, one more hike, one more photo….okay a bunch more photos, but still.

I’m also the first to admit that by late afternoon this usually means I’m verging on hangry because I haven’t eaten since breakfast. And now enter my least favourite part of Solo Travel… dinner.

I personally don’t mind eating alone – but there’s something about eating alone that gives everyone else ideas…like the waiter who feels the need to chat with you a little longer, the cafe owner who comes by just to check on things, or random other patrons who try to include you in their conversations. What part of I’m eating dinner alone, and I’m fine with it, are you not getting?

This is where I feel the Extroverts have the upper-hand – they are far better equipped to deal with this sort of situation. In fact to them it’s not even a situation, it’s an opportunity. I have a friend who was eating alone in Spain and ended up at a wedding, and then on a yacht. What? No. That actually sounds like some circle of hell.

I just want to eat my meal in peace. So these are the tricks I’ve learned over the years:

  • Go early – this works for me because I skip lunch, so by 5-6pm I’m starving. And plenty of places around the world offer the equivalent of an Early Bird Special so it’s cost effective too. But especially in Europe the earlier you go the less crowded they’re going to be.
  • Bring a Notebook – I journal while I’m traveling, and waiting for my meal is the perfect time to write – it also subtly sends a message that you are not looking for conversation.
  • Get Take Away – If the weather is nice grab your dinner and take it to the beach, or the park.
  • Dinner from the Grocery Store – like Whole Foods in North America there are plenty of Grocery Stores around the world that do buffet style takeaway.

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