I’ve traveled Solo to more than a dozen countries over the past decade to photograph our remarkable planet. Could I have found a travel partner? Probably. Did I want to? No!

I’m an Introvert. I prefer my Solo time at home. Why should traveling be any different?

For some, this idea is tantamount to insanity. The questions from strangers, friends and family alike ranging from simply “Why?” to the more judgemental “Couldn’t find anyone to go with you?” and the always popular fear-mongering “Aren’t you afraid something might happen to you?” But finally the comment that rings the truest, “I’m not brave enough to go traveling by myself.”

Be BraveĀ – be smart, but be brave – don’t let anyone, or the lack of anyone, stand in your way. Besides I’m not alone, I have Kimini (my very own Lego Minifigure).

I’m here to tell you that Solo travel can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life – especially for an Introvert. The other thing I hear all the time is “you’ll meet people when you get there.” No, thank you. I don’t travel to meet people, I travel to see the world.

You won’t find me at a bar, or taking in the nightlife – I’m either finding a place to shoot the sunset, catching a nap so I can shoot the stars in the middle of the night, or already in bed so I can be up early for sunrise.

We live on a remarkable planet, full of breathtakingly unique and astonishingly beautiful places, follow my lead – Be Brave – and get out there and see it!

I’m Kim – Solo Female Introvert Travel Photographer